Monday, August 18, 2014

SCDiet: Stage One

Now that the introduction phase of the SCDiet is complete, I can start introducing foods one at a time to see how my body responds. I am going by the stages planned out on Pecan Bread, which lists all foods for each stage and how they should be prepared. At first, all foods are going to have to be cooked, peeled, and have any seeds removed for easy digestion. The first stage has the smallest amount of foods to introduce, and the most easy to digest. Remember, my gut is still trying to heal while I'm going through this process so the easier to digest, the better. 

I had actually started stage one somewhat without even realizing it when I had the baked honey apples. I also already had some ripe banana in my homemade jello without any problems. So, that is two foods down and so many to go. There are a total of 5 stages in this diet plan to go through, and I believe it is going to take me over a year to get through all of them. It will be worth it though, hopefully a fully healed gut and an overall healthier me. 

So, yesterday being the first official day of stage one food introduction, I cooked pear-sauce and some more homemade yogurt. Speaking of yogurt, I figured out that I did not let it stay in my yogurt maker long enough the first time. I mean, it was still yogurt, but I did not make it SCDiet style. the SCDiet calls for the yogurt to stay in the yogurt maker for at least 24 hours, while the normal time called for in the manual is only 4 hours. This time it will be the full 24 hours, and I will be able to compare the difference. According to the SCDiet, having the yogurt "cook" for the 24 hours makes the yogurt basically lactose free, which is the goal. So, I'm not sure if eating all this 4 hour yogurt I made really affected my introduction diet or not since it still contained lactose.

Warming my milk for yogurt

Yesterday was "Pear Day." I made pear-sauce as my way to introduce the fruit in the most easily digestible way. It ended up tasting very similar to applesauce, but ya know, with pears. I followed the Pecan Bread recipe for the sauce, which was really basic and simple. I had four pears, peeled, cored, and cut into chunks. Then I added them to a pan with a half a cup of water. The recipe calls for it to simmer for 15 minutes, but I ended up at more of a slight boil for 20 minutes to make the pears softer and better cooked. Then, I added two tablespoons of honey and some ground cinnamon. I stirred it all up really well, letting the honey melt and cinnamon spread all over the pear pieces. Once my pears were cool enough to work with, I poured the mixture into my NutriBullet and blasted it into a baby-food type consistency. Love my NutriBullet, everyone should have one. I bought it before I even knew I had Crohn's, and now that I'm on this diet it will become even more useful. Anyways, pear-sauce! Those four pears made me three nice sized servings of sauce, probably a cup or a little more a piece.

Peeling some pears
Pears ready to cook

Once it chilled in the fridge, I had some for dessert after dinner. Yum! It was tasty for sure, and my stomach seemed to like it too.

Final product - Pearsauce!

Each food I will be introducing over a four day period to let my body adjust and make sure I have no bad reactions. So, it will be pear day, rest day, pear day, rest day, then next food. And so on. 

Next food, acorn squash on Thursday!

August Food Schedule

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