All About Me...

This is a blog about my life: past, present, and looking into the future.

I’m Hilliary, Hilly for short.
Currently 22 years of age, still young but wise beyond my years… so I’ve been told.
I am a crafter of all types, dog lover of all sizes, and a recently new “Crohnie”.

  • I love to crochet, sew… dog harnesses and other dog goodies mostly, spin yarn on my spinning wheel, and pretty much any other crafty type thing you can think of. I was an art major for a year in college, but felt more crafty than artist. Either way, I am still both an artist and crafter at heart. I’m sure both get mixed together in the items that I make. I also love taking photos. I used to be much more into photography than I am now, but I’m still always snapping photos with my phone… mostly of my pups.

  • I have three dogs, all girls. I love them each to death! Lulu is my old lady. I've had her since my senior year in high school. She will be turning five this year in November. Nugget is my middle child. She turned two in June. Circe is my youngest, but largest. She will be two in December.

  • June 19th, 2014 I was diagnosed with a severe case of Crohn’s Disease. After being sick for a couple of months without relief, I finally went to the gastro doctor for tests. After a few weeks of waiting and getting sicker, I ended up having somewhat of an emergency colonoscopy. Ever since then my family and I have been trying to get me well while trying to figure out the best way to go about doing it. This part of my life will be a major part of this new blog.


  1. We love you Hilliary! Your family is here for to help and support you.

  2. Hilliary, I love your blog! You need to do this full time! You could be the next Perez Hilton! Do what you have to do to get better! You never know what someone is going through. You sure can't judge a book by its cover! Prayers!

    1. Thank you! I really do love writing. That's what I first went to college for.
